Sample Submission
Sample Submission
Three easy steps
- Collect samples in 96-well plates
- Submit online or include a completed sample submission form with your shipment. Please notify us before shipping if you do not submit online.
- Ship samples at room temperature (unless previously frozen) using 2-day delivery to:
GenoTyping Center of America
10 Water St., Suite 215
Waterville, Maine 04901
Phone: 1-844-800-4822

Sampling specifics
Sample guidelines
We currently accept the following sample types:
- Tail/ear tissue (≤2mm)
- Fin clip (whole fin)
- Extracted/purified DNA (NOTE: Due to the potential variability of extracted samples we are unable to guarantee 2-day turnaround of results.)
- Frozen organ tissue (ship frozen)
Samples should be collected and shipped at room temperature. Frozen samples which are allowed to thaw will experience significant degradation. Any samples already frozen should be packaged to prevent thawing during transit. We do not accept blood or fixed/preserved samples.
NOTE: If submitting in plates, unless directed otherwise, samples will be run in the A1 – H12 orientation and results reported by well. For incomplete plates, please indicate which well(s) are empty to further ensure proper orientation.
For more information, please review our Sampling Best Practices